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Dianosting the Suggestion Feature

Please do the following steps to diagnose the suggestion feature.

Suggestions Not Showing

It can either be that the app is malfunctioning or the service is not working. If the service is not working, the cause is usually network issues or that it’s not correctly set up.

Check your network connection.

  • Can you access the websites of the service provider?
  • Are you behind a proxy or a firewall? What happens if you disable them?
  • Did you ever modified the /etc/hosts file? If so, try to revert the changes.

Check the settings.

  • Is the service is correctly set up? Is your account under the correct status?
  • Check if the feature provider is the service you are trying to use.
  • Check if the circle widget animates when you type. If so, the cause may be the services.

Check the logs.

  • Turn on verbose log in the service settings. For example, if you are using GitHub Copilot, turn it on in the GitHub Copilot settings.
  • Open the Click start streaming. Turn on Menu > Action > Inlcude Info Messages and Include Debug Messages.
  • Search for category:GitHubCopilot or category:Codeium in the search bar.
  • Type something in Xcode, check if there are any logs. (If you can’t see any error, restart the service app and try again.)

Check the service FAQ pages.

  • Check the FAQ pages of the service provider from the side bar.

Can Accept suggestion But the Experience is Bad

The cause is that the app is using a fallback solution to accept the suggestions. When the fallback solution is used, the app has to replace the whole content in the editor to accept the suggestion. This is not ideal, as it may cause the cursor to jump to the beginning of the line and mess up with the edit history.

Check the settings.

  • Check the advanced settings, is “Always accept suggestion with Accessibility API” set to false?

Check Xcode menu.

Can’t Accept Suggestions with Any Method

There may be a problem between the service app and the source editor extension. It’s usually caused by the launch agent not set up correctly.

Check the behavior.

  • Check if the service app ( is automatically started when you open Xcode. If not, the launch agent is probably not set up correctly.
  • If so, please open the app, click the “Setup Launch Agent” button, restart your Mac if needed.
  • If it’s still not working, please set up the launch agent manually.

Can’t Accept Suggestions Only with Tab or Button

If you can’t accept a suggestion with tab or button, it may be that the communication between Xcode, the source editor extension and the app is not working correctly.

Check the behavior.

  • Is Xcode automatically activated or brought to front when you try to accept a suggestion? If not, please open an issue.
  • What happens when you hit tab? Will spaces/tabs be inserted on the line?

Check the settings.

  • Is tab to accept suggestions enabled in the suggestion feature settings?
  • Check the advanced settings, is “Always accept suggestion with Accessibility API” set to false and “Trigger command with Accessibility API” set to true?

Check Xcode menu.

  • Is the menu Xcode > Editor > Copilot > Accept Suggestion available? If not, please enable the source editor extension in the System Settings.
  • If it’s availble, is it greyed out? If so, please restart Xcode.

Check the logs.

  • Open the Click start streaming. Turn on Menu > Action > Inlcude Info Messages and Include Debug Messages.
  • Search for category:Service, TabToAcceptSuggestion, see if it’s activated when Xcode is active.