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Diagnosting the Suggestion Feature

Please do the following steps to diagnose the suggestion feature.

Suggestions Not Showing

Check your network connection.

  • Can you access the websites of the service provider?
  • Are you behind a proxy or a firewall? What happens if you disable them?
  • Did you ever modified the /etc/hosts file? If so, try to revert the changes.

Check the settings.

  • Is the service is correctly set up? Is your account under the correct status?
  • Check if the feature provider is the service you are trying to use.
  • Check if the circle widget animates when you type. If so, the cause may be the services.
  • Is the suggestion feature disabled for the lanugage? You can check it in the suggestion settings Disabled langauge list.
  • Is the suggestion feature disabled for the project? You can check it in the suggestion settings Disable suggestion feature globally.

Check the logs.

  • Turn on verbose log in the service settings. For example, if you are using GitHub Copilot, turn it on in the GitHub Copilot settings.
  • Open the Click start streaming. Turn on Menu > Action > Inlcude Info Messages and Include Debug Messages.
  • Search for category:GitHubCopilot or category:Codeium in the search bar.
  • Type something in Xcode, check if there are any logs. (If you can’t see any error, restart the service app and try again.)

Check the service FAQ pages.

  • Check the FAQ pages of the service provider from the side bar.

Can Accept suggestion But the Experience is Bad

Check the settings.

  • Check the advanced settings, is “Always accept suggestion with Accessibility API” set to false?

Check Xcode menu.

Can’t Accept Suggestions with Any Method

Check the behavior.

  • Check if the service app ( is automatically started when you open Xcode. If not, the launch agent is likely not set up correctly.
  • Check if the other menu items, for example “Open Chat”, works. If not, the launch agent is probably not set up correctly.
  • If so, please open the app, click the “Setup Launch Agent” button, restart your Mac if needed.
  • If it’s still not working, please set up the launch agent manually.

Can’t Accept Suggestions Only with Tab or Button

Check the behavior.

  • If you are using the button. Is Xcode automatically activated or brought to front when you try to accept a suggestion? If not, please open an issue.
  • If you are using tab. What happens when you hit tab? Will spaces/tabs be inserted on the line?

Check the settings.

  • Is tab to accept suggestions enabled in the suggestion feature settings?
  • Check the advanced settings, is “Always accept suggestion with Accessibility API” set to false and “Trigger command with Accessibility API” set to true?

Check Xcode menu.

  • Is the menu Xcode > Editor > Copilot > Accept Suggestion available? If not, please enable the source editor extension in the System Settings.
  • If it’s availble, is it greyed out? If so, please restart Xcode.

Check the logs.

  • Open the Click start streaming. Turn on Menu > Action > Inlcude Info Messages and Include Debug Messages.
  • Search for category:Service, TabToAcceptSuggestion, see if it’s activated when Xcode is active.
  • If it’s activted, but hitting tab only inserts spaces/tabs, it’s likely to be a macOS bug. Please consider regranting the permissions to the app and restart the Mac.